
FFBlob — Class for handling BLOB data type.


#include <ff-blob.h>

struct      FFBlob;
struct      FFBlobClass;

FFBlob*     ff_blob_new                     (void);

const ISC_QUAD* ff_blob_get_id              (FFBlob *self);
void        ff_blob_set_id                  (FFBlob *self,
                                             const ISC_QUAD *blob_id);
void        ff_blob_set_id_from_value       (FFBlob *self,
                                             FFValue *val);
void        ff_blob_set_default_transaction (FFBlob *self,
                                             FFTransaction *tr);
FFTransaction* ff_blob_get_default_transaction
                                            (FFBlob *self);
gdouble     ff_blob_get_size                (FFBlob *self);

gboolean    ff_blob_create                  (FFBlob *self);
gboolean    ff_blob_open                    (FFBlob *self);
gboolean    ff_blob_is_open                 (FFBlob *self);
gboolean    ff_blob_cancel                  (FFBlob *self);
gboolean    ff_blob_close                   (FFBlob *self);
gboolean    ff_blob_read                    (FFBlob *self,
                                             gpointer buffer,
                                             gint buffer_size,
                                             gint *fetched_size);
gboolean    ff_blob_write                   (FFBlob *self,
                                             gpointer buffer,
                                             gint buffer_size);
gboolean    ff_blob_save_to_file            (FFBlob *self,
                                             const gchar *file_name,
                                             gint buffer_size);
gboolean    ff_blob_write_from_file         (FFBlob *self,
                                             const gchar *file_name,
                                             gint buffer_size);


Blobs or "Binary Large Objects" fields can store large amounts of data of various types. For example:

  • Large text streams.

  • Image files (png, jpg, ...).

  • Video or audio files.

Basically anything that you can save to a stream.


struct FFBlob

struct FFBlob;

struct FFBlobClass

struct FFBlobClass {

	void (* on_error)               (FFBlob *self, FFError *error, gpointer data);

ff_blob_new ()

FFBlob*     ff_blob_new                     (void);

Constructor for FFBlob class.

Returns : A new FFBlob object.

ff_blob_get_id ()

const ISC_QUAD* ff_blob_get_id              (FFBlob *self);

Get blob id.

self : A FFBlob.
Returns : Blob id.

ff_blob_set_id ()

void        ff_blob_set_id                  (FFBlob *self,
                                             const ISC_QUAD *blob_id);

Set blob id.

self : A FFBlob.
blob_id : A blob id.

ff_blob_set_id_from_value ()

void        ff_blob_set_id_from_value       (FFBlob *self,
                                             FFValue *val);

Set blob id from val.

self : A FFBlob.
val : A FFValue.

ff_blob_set_default_transaction ()

void        ff_blob_set_default_transaction (FFBlob *self,
                                             FFTransaction *tr);

Set blob's default transaction.

self : A FFBlob.
tr : A FFTransaction.

ff_blob_get_default_transaction ()

FFTransaction* ff_blob_get_default_transaction
                                            (FFBlob *self);

Get default transaction.

self : A FFBlob.
Returns : A FFTransaction.

ff_blob_get_size ()

gdouble     ff_blob_get_size                (FFBlob *self);

Get blob size in kbytes.

self : A FFBlob.
Returns : Size of blob, or -1 if error.

ff_blob_create ()

gboolean    ff_blob_create                  (FFBlob *self);

Create a new blob with a new blob id.

self : A FFBlob.
Returns : TRUE if new blob id was successfully created, or FALSE otherwise.

ff_blob_open ()

gboolean    ff_blob_open                    (FFBlob *self);

Open blob to be processed.

self : A FFBlob.
Returns : TRUE if blob was opened successfully, or FALSE otherwise.

ff_blob_is_open ()

gboolean    ff_blob_is_open                 (FFBlob *self);

Get blob opened status.

self : A FFBlob.
Returns : TRUE if blob is opened, or FALSE otherwise.

ff_blob_cancel ()

gboolean    ff_blob_cancel                  (FFBlob *self);

Cancel current blob. Blob will be deleted.

self : A FFBlob.
Returns : TRUE if blob was successfully cancelled, or FALSE otherwise.

ff_blob_close ()

gboolean    ff_blob_close                   (FFBlob *self);

Close blob.

self : A FFBlob.
Returns : TRUE if blob closed successfully, or FALSE otherwise.

ff_blob_read ()

gboolean    ff_blob_read                    (FFBlob *self,
                                             gpointer buffer,
                                             gint buffer_size,
                                             gint *fetched_size);

Read blob contents to buffer. Variable fetched_size returns size of actual read. fetched_value might be smaller than buffer_size, for example when last segment of blob is read.

self : A FFBlob.
buffer : A buffer to hold data read.
buffer_size : The size of buffer.
fetched_size : A pointer to an integer to save actual read size.
Returns : FALSE if all blob data was read, or TRUE while blob eof is not reached.

ff_blob_write ()

gboolean    ff_blob_write                   (FFBlob *self,
                                             gpointer buffer,
                                             gint buffer_size);

Write buffer contents to blob.

self : A FFBlob.
buffer : A buffer containing data to write to blob.
buffer_size : The size of buffer.
Returns : TRUE if blob data was written, or FALSE otherwise.

ff_blob_save_to_file ()

gboolean    ff_blob_save_to_file            (FFBlob *self,
                                             const gchar *file_name,
                                             gint buffer_size);

Save blob contents to file_name, using a buffer_size buffer for each read of blob content.

self : A FFBlob.
file_name : A string containing a file name.
buffer_size : Size of buffer for each read.
Returns : TRUE if blob content was successfully saved, or FALSE otherwise.

ff_blob_write_from_file ()

gboolean    ff_blob_write_from_file         (FFBlob *self,
                                             const gchar *file_name,
                                             gint buffer_size);

Set blob contents from file_name, using a buffer_size buffer for each read of buffer content.

self : A FFBlob.
file_name : A string containing a file name.
buffer_size : Size of buffer for each write.
Returns : TRUE if blob content was successfully read, or FALSE otherwise.