FFRow — Class for handling row objects.


#include <ff-row.h>

struct      FFRow;
struct      FFRowClass;

FFRow*      ff_row_new                      (void);
FFRow*      ff_row_new_from_value_list      (GList *value_list,
                                             gboolean free_list);

gint        ff_row_column_count             (FFRow *self);
FFValue*    ff_row_get_value                (FFRow *self,
                                             gint column_number);
void        ff_row_append_value             (FFRow *self,
                                             FFValue *val);
FFRow*      ff_row_clone                    (FFRow *self);


Rows are used by Recordsets to store or return its values.


struct FFRow

struct FFRow;

struct FFRowClass

struct FFRowClass {

	void (* on_error)               (FFRow *self, gchar *message, gpointer data);

ff_row_new ()

FFRow*      ff_row_new                      (void);

Constructor for FFRow class.

Returns : A new FFRow object.

ff_row_new_from_value_list ()

FFRow*      ff_row_new_from_value_list      (GList *value_list,
                                             gboolean free_list);

Constructor for FFRow class. Create columns from value_list. If free_list is TRUE then value_list will be released after initialization.

value_list : A list of FFValue.
free_list : A boolean.
Returns : A new FFRow object.

ff_row_column_count ()

gint        ff_row_column_count             (FFRow *self);

Get the number of columns in the row.

self : A FFRow.
Returns : Number of columns.

ff_row_get_value ()

FFValue*    ff_row_get_value                (FFRow *self,
                                             gint column_number);

Get a value from the row.

self : A FFRow.
column_number : An integer with the column number.
Returns : A new FFValue object.

ff_row_append_value ()

void        ff_row_append_value             (FFRow *self,
                                             FFValue *val);

Append val as a new column.

self : A FFRow.
val : A FFValue.

ff_row_clone ()

FFRow*      ff_row_clone                    (FFRow *self);

Clone self value.

self : A FFRow.
Returns : A new FFRow copy of self.